BOUT US FOLLOW US Sound Of My Place is a booking agency and a bespoke music management company which takes a prudent and worldwide approach towards a long-term success for our artists. Our attitude is team-oriented and working with others, in order to achieve great results. With many years of experience in managing Artists, it is clear that we are incredibly passionate and dedicated about what we do. We work for the artists and artists’ interests , which we believe are paramount. Our acquired knowledge, relationships and contacts across the industry worldwide allow us to launch, encourage and boost the Artist’s career. In particular, our unrivalled reputation is breaking new acts, developing careers and Artists’ management, including contract negotiation, schedule management, planning and managing media interviews, merchandising and accounting services for managing the Artists’ affair.
Sound Of My Place is not a remote corporation, but a team of open-minded, dedicated, friendly, systematic and straightforward professionals who always deliver a first class service and provide our clients with the support and the essential knowledge to navigate the music industry.